SA20 G類合併擴音機連解碼
份量十足的 SA20 機殻,採用全金屬設計,配合經典炭灰色焗漆處理,予人一種深藏不露的低調氣息,模擬大部份採用雅駿 ARCAM 創辦人 John Dawson 先生花費十年時間進行研發,揉合傳統A類高偏流和高效率AB類精髓的獨門 Class G 放大技術,旨在令音效表現和穩定程度達至 Hi-end 最高指標,杜絕交越失真 Crossover Distortion 對音效所構成的深遠影響。
配備高效能 ESS9038K2M 解碼晶片
SA20 不但享有傲視業界 Glass G 功放技術,英國 雅駿 ARCAM 開發團隊還專誠為它度身訂製一套以 ESS9038K2M 解碼晶片作為核心,功能十分多元化的嶄新數碼模組。用家更可透過機背同軸及光纖插座,與手上其它數碼器材相連,進一步提升音效。除此之外,ARCAM 開發團隊還為用家準備了多種數碼濾波,讓用家自行體驗不同程度的聲音變化。
獨立運作動磁 MM 唱放
接駁上,SA20 的數碼部份提供2組同軸 S/PDIF、光纖 Toslink 和乙太網輸入介面。5組模擬 RCA 輸入之中,亦包含了獨立運作動磁 MM 唱放,至於面板前方除設有 3.5mm 耳機專用輸出插座,還加設 3.5mm 立體聲模擬輸入,全面切合不同人仕的需要。與此同時,SA20 還提供了前級輸出 (Pre-out),方便用家日後加配同廠後級,實踐Bi-amp升級大計。
技術規格 :
- 連續性輸出功率 (20 Hz – 20 kHz):90 W x 2 (8 Ω 負載),150 W x 2 (4 Ω 負載)
- 總諧波失真 (80 % 輸出功率,8 Ω 於 1 kHz 水平):0.002 %
- 動磁MM唱放組別輸入靈敏度 (1 kHz 水平):5 mV
- 輸入阻抗:47 kΩ / 100 pF
- 頻率響應 (以RIAA 均衡曲線作參考,± 1 dB):20 Hz – 20 kHz
- 支援取樣頻率:32 - 96 kHz (光纖),32 - 192 kHz (同軸)
- 支援位元:16-24 Bit
- 體積 (H x W x D):85 x 433 x 275 mm
- 重量:9.2 kg
Every product that you order from Radar Audio Company online shop is taking full care by us. You may return any items in its original condition for an exchange due to below reasons:
- The goods received are not the ones that you ordered;
- If it is discovered that the product is severely damaged or has operation problems after opening or when it remained unopened.
- Customer must contact our Customer Service Department within seven working days of receipt of the goods for replacement.
- The goods must be accompanied with our official invoice, original package, product barcode, accessories, manuals and warranty card without filled.
- All exchanged products will be inspected by our service center before replacement. Otherwise, we will not be able to identify and process the replacement procedure.
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- Any damages or defects caused by, including but not limited to external pressure, impact damage, dropped, misuse, humidity, water damage, other consequences of easy access, or missing parts.
- Any damages or defects that occur in/on outer surface of the product that result from normal wear and tear under ordinary use.
- Any damages or defects caused by human errors or unexpected factors including but not limited to handling, extrusion, bumps, scratches, impacts, exposure to high temperature, improper input voltage, corrosion, water, fire, accidents etc.
- Any damages or defects caused by any accident, act of natural, physical damage or malfunction, abuse, misuse, natural or personal disaster, or any unauthorized disassembly, repair or alteration and modification.
- In case of out of stock, refund will take 3-7 working days to process.
- Prices are subject to change without prior notice and all orders are subject to Company’s acceptance at its sole discretion and stock availability.
- If any dispute arises, Radar Audio Company determination shall be final.
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