針對集膚 (Skin Effect) 效應對訊號傳送所帶來的深遠影響,瑞典 蘇霸 Supra Cables 開發團隊專誠為 EFF-I 模擬訊號線開創均衡頻率流技術 (Equalized Frequency Flow (EFF),同時為進軍 Hi-end 音響領域邁向一大步。
製作上,結構特殊的 EFF-I 模擬訊號線將會使用高成本鍍銀無酸銅導體 (Ag Plated OFC),並透過絞合手法維繞著一條中心塑管進行加工生產,加上低電感聚乙烯 (Polyethylene) 和鍍鋁 PET 薄膜作為絕緣素材,成功為用家創製出擁有遼闊頻率響應,同時具備極低失真的超值發燒訊號線。
再論端子的取決,EFF-ISL 將會使用自行研發和生產,配備鎖緊功能 PPSL RCA端子,至於 EFFI-IXLR 則配備份量十足,接點經過24K鍍金加工 Swift XLR 端子。
技術規格 :
- 導體規格:0.46mm2 / 21 AWG 規格
- 每組線芯股數:12 支
- 線芯直徑:Ø 0.22 mm
- 導體質量:Ag Plated OFC 鍍銀純銅
- 絕緣素材:聚乙烯 PE
- 屏蔽:鋁化聚酯膜 Aluminized PET Foil
- 外套:耐高溫耐熱聚氯乙烯 PVC
- 線身直徑:Ø 7.2 mm
Every product that you order from Radar Audio Company online shop is taking full care by us. You may return any items in its original condition for an exchange due to below reasons:
- The goods received are not the ones that you ordered;
- If it is discovered that the product is severely damaged or has operation problems after opening or when it remained unopened.
- Customer must contact our Customer Service Department within seven working days of receipt of the goods for replacement.
- The goods must be accompanied with our official invoice, original package, product barcode, accessories, manuals and warranty card without filled.
- All exchanged products will be inspected by our service center before replacement. Otherwise, we will not be able to identify and process the replacement procedure.
- The returned product must be intact, not involving human damage, not being repaired, free from scratches and water damage.
- Invalid product code and serial number of the product and warranty card.
- Product not sold on Radar Audio online shop.
- Failure to follow instructions supplied with the product.
- Any damages or defects caused by, including but not limited to external pressure, impact damage, dropped, misuse, humidity, water damage, other consequences of easy access, or missing parts.
- Any damages or defects that occur in/on outer surface of the product that result from normal wear and tear under ordinary use.
- Any damages or defects caused by human errors or unexpected factors including but not limited to handling, extrusion, bumps, scratches, impacts, exposure to high temperature, improper input voltage, corrosion, water, fire, accidents etc.
- Any damages or defects caused by any accident, act of natural, physical damage or malfunction, abuse, misuse, natural or personal disaster, or any unauthorized disassembly, repair or alteration and modification.
- In case of out of stock, refund will take 3-7 working days to process.
- Prices are subject to change without prior notice and all orders are subject to Company’s acceptance at its sole discretion and stock availability.
- If any dispute arises, Radar Audio Company determination shall be final.
- Where these terms and conditions are available in Chinese, the English version is the governing version and shall prevail whenever there is a discrepancy between the two versions.
- Email service@radaraudio.com
- Phone +852 2418 2668