Rosso 唱臂訊號線
Rosso 一詞本是義大利文,解作紅的意思。Gryphon ROSSO 全新線材系列,選用具備優越機械穩定性及靈活性的火紅色聚氨酯素材作為線身物料,締造炙手可熱的火辣線覺效果。取材自同門 VANTA 旗艦線材系列的管道式結構,分別由4大5小合共9條不受溫差變化影響質量的聚四氟乙烯管 PTFE 所構成,配以大口徑聚四氟乙烯管道進行管轄。
談及線芯的取決,Gryphon 開發團隊專誠為 ROSSO 線材系列選用雜質含量微乎其微,透過專利 G7 Silver Gold Technology™ G7 銀/金技術生產的單支製品。屏蔽環節交由鍍銀純銅絲線所炮製的織網及非編織聚酯纖維薄膜負責,杜絕干擾入侵。
全線 ROSSO 產品包括電源線,訊號線,唱臂訊號線及喇叭線,份量十足的 ROSSO 電源線不但極為適合 Diablo 300,Diablo 120 等大電流輸出合併擴音機,伙拍 Essence 前級,Legato Legacy 唱放 及 Scorpio S CD 播放機,同樣能獲得匪夷所思的超凡效果。
Rosso 唱臂訊號線規格:
• 備有 RCA 及 XLR - 垂直 或 90度 5針 DIN 版本可供選購
• 導體規格:2 x 2組21 AWG 單支專利 G7 銀/金導體
• 表面經過黑色陽極處理,擁有上佳機械剛性 Gryphon 秘製插頭外殼,動用原件鋁材挖空生產
• SME™ 類別 5針 DIN (垂直 或 90度) 插頭,傳導接點選用 24K 鍍金脫氧磷青銅製作
• XLR 版本搭載 Neutrik™ 提供,選用 24K 鍍金脫氧磷青銅製作的傳導接點
• RCA 版本搭載 Neutrik™ 提供,選用 24K 鍍金實心純銅製作的傳導接點,配備 Neutrik 專利 Chuck Type Strain Relief™ 應力消除技術,全面貫徹先接地後接正極的優勢
Every product that you order from Radar Audio Company online shop is taking full care by us. You may return any items in its original condition for an exchange due to below reasons:
- The goods received are not the ones that you ordered;
- If it is discovered that the product is severely damaged or has operation problems after opening or when it remained unopened.
- Customer must contact our Customer Service Department within seven working days of receipt of the goods for replacement.
- The goods must be accompanied with our official invoice, original package, product barcode, accessories, manuals and warranty card without filled.
- All exchanged products will be inspected by our service center before replacement. Otherwise, we will not be able to identify and process the replacement procedure.
- The returned product must be intact, not involving human damage, not being repaired, free from scratches and water damage.
- Invalid product code and serial number of the product and warranty card.
- Product not sold on Radar Audio online shop.
- Failure to follow instructions supplied with the product.
- Any damages or defects caused by, including but not limited to external pressure, impact damage, dropped, misuse, humidity, water damage, other consequences of easy access, or missing parts.
- Any damages or defects that occur in/on outer surface of the product that result from normal wear and tear under ordinary use.
- Any damages or defects caused by human errors or unexpected factors including but not limited to handling, extrusion, bumps, scratches, impacts, exposure to high temperature, improper input voltage, corrosion, water, fire, accidents etc.
- Any damages or defects caused by any accident, act of natural, physical damage or malfunction, abuse, misuse, natural or personal disaster, or any unauthorized disassembly, repair or alteration and modification.
- In case of out of stock, refund will take 3-7 working days to process.
- Prices are subject to change without prior notice and all orders are subject to Company’s acceptance at its sole discretion and stock availability.
- If any dispute arises, Radar Audio Company determination shall be final.
- Where these terms and conditions are available in Chinese, the English version is the governing version and shall prevail whenever there is a discrepancy between the two versions.
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- Phone +852 2418 2668