QK1 AC Enhancer 交流電優化器
貴為美國發燒線王Nordost 音樂絲帶旗下品牌的QRT量子,一向致力開拓電源優化產品巿場,旗下出產 QB 系列電源排插和 QX 系列磁場淨化器,成功進駐世界各地影音發燒友的家門,彰顯其非凡功效。
踏入2014年,QRT 宣布推出造型賣相跟俗稱 “炮仗仔” QV2 交流電調諧器極為相近,功效同樣顯著的 QK1 AC Enhancer 交流電優化器,其圓桶型外殻同樣選用預先經過嚴格測試,擁有優良機械特性的碳纖維製造,內藏廠方自行開發,引入專利導體避震技術 Micro Mono-Filament 的負載共震線圈 Load Resonating Coil,只需把 QK1 AC Enhancer 交流電優化器接在電源排插,便可產生一度被動式電場,提供靜化巿電雜訊的效果,改善供電效率和減少失真,無論傳統兩聲道抑或影音器材,甚至乎 LCD 電視及投影機亦同樣受惠。
QK1 AC Enhancer 交流電優化器備有美式 15A 和歐式 Schuko 兩種不同電源插頭可供選擇,所有傳導部件亦均經過人手打磨及鍍上 24K 金,確保功效長久不變。用家還可加配專用英式 13A 轉接器,直接用於家中蘇底或排蘇,簡單又方便。
- 提升音樂感及改善聲音平衡度
- 增強樂器結像清晰度和音場立體感
- 有助降低噪音平台
- Nordost 專利導體避震技術 Micro Mono-Filament
- 擁有優良機械特性的碳纖維外殻
- 所有傳導部件均經過人手打磨及鍍上 24K 金
- 美國製造
- 體積 (H x W):81.6 x 36.75mm (美式 Nema),94 x 36.75mm (歐式 Schuko)
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- The goods received are not the ones that you ordered;
- If it is discovered that the product is severely damaged or has operation problems after opening or when it remained unopened.
- Customer must contact our Customer Service Department within seven working days of receipt of the goods for replacement.
- The goods must be accompanied with our official invoice, original package, product barcode, accessories, manuals and warranty card without filled.
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- Any damages or defects that occur in/on outer surface of the product that result from normal wear and tear under ordinary use.
- Any damages or defects caused by human errors or unexpected factors including but not limited to handling, extrusion, bumps, scratches, impacts, exposure to high temperature, improper input voltage, corrosion, water, fire, accidents etc.
- Any damages or defects caused by any accident, act of natural, physical damage or malfunction, abuse, misuse, natural or personal disaster, or any unauthorized disassembly, repair or alteration and modification.
- In case of out of stock, refund will take 3-7 working days to process.
- Prices are subject to change without prior notice and all orders are subject to Company’s acceptance at its sole discretion and stock availability.
- If any dispute arises, Radar Audio Company determination shall be final.
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