AVR10 杜比全景聲 / DTS:X收音擴音機
AVR10 貴為 英國 雅駿 Arcam 全新 HDA 家庭影院系列的入門型號,雖則身價較為親民,但骨子裡製作和實質表現足以令身價相約的同級對手為之汗顏。經過精心規劃的炭灰色金屬面板,配備大型彩色顯示屏幕,為用家提供所有操控及設定資訊。核心部份配備高速運作多核處理晶片組和最新版本 CODECs,全面支援 Dolby, DTS 及 IMAX Enhanced 編碼,還配備業界公認 Dirac Live® 房間修正系統,全面切合不同房間的音效特性。跟同系上級型號一樣,AVR10 之數 / 模切換環節將會選用炙手可熱,但造價可觀 ESS 9026PRO 發燒級解碼晶片。跟上級型號一樣,AVR10 將會採用雙 Wi-Fi 天線設計,並換上最新藍牙傳輸晶片組合,全面支持 Apple Airplay2 和 Google Chromecast。
儘管 AVR10 內置的7組AB類功放線路,於 8Ω 負載下輸出功率可達 60W 水平,但隨著EI型供電變壓器在質素方面的提升,相信整體音效勢必更上一層樓。另一方面如若用家想全面體會 Dolby Atmos 及 DTS:X 7.1.4 震攝效果,可透過機背的 Height 1 及 Height 2 輸出組,配搭同社多聲道後級,便可深切體會12聲道所營造空間穿插效果。
AVR10 將提供 7組 HDMI 輸入 及 2組 HDMI 輸出,全數支援 4K (UHD) HDMI2.0b 及 HDCP2.2。數碼部份提供4組同軸及2組光纖輸入,另加1組光纖輸出。模擬環節提供 6組 RCA和 1組 3.5mm 輸入,輸出方面計有 Line Out、SUB2 輔助超低音輸出、8組 Pre-out 及4組寫上 Height 1 及 Height 2 字樣,專為 Dolby Atmos 及 DTS:X 7.1.4 而設的專用輸出組,十分多元化。除了FM調諧模組,用家亦可透過 AVR10 機背的乙太網插座與及廠方自行編寫,對應蘋果和Android平台個人裝置的 MusicLife App,跟 UPnP 音樂伺服器相連,欣賞串流音樂供應商所提供的高清音樂、網絡電台廣播,與及儲存在 USB 快閃手指之內的音樂檔案。
- 業界公認Dirac Live® 房間修正系統,展示器材終極實力
- 可加配同社PA410 4聲道AB類後級,組成完整杜比全景聲7.1.4系統
- 支援格式:Dolby , DTS 及 IMAX Enhanced
技術規格 :
- 輸出功率 (1 kHz, 0.2% THD):60 W x 7 (8 Ω負載)
- 殘留噪音及哼聲 (A加權):低於0.15 mV
- 訊噪比 (A加權,立體聲直入模式):110 dB
- 頻率響應 (± 0.2 dB):20 Hz - 20 kHz
- 輸入:7 x HDMI,4 x 同軸S/PDIF,2 x 光纖Toslink,6 x RCA,3.5mm,USB,乙太網Ethernet,網絡電台,FM /DAB調諧器天線接駁座,2 x WiFi,藍牙
- 輸出:2 x HDMI (其中1組對應 eARC), 光纖Toslink,Line Out,8 x Pre-out,Height 1 , Height 2,SUB2,3.5mm 耳機插座
- 體積 (H x W x D):171 x 433 x 425 mm
- 重量:16.5 kg
Every product that you order from Radar Audio Company online shop is taking full care by us. You may return any items in its original condition for an exchange due to below reasons:
- The goods received are not the ones that you ordered;
- If it is discovered that the product is severely damaged or has operation problems after opening or when it remained unopened.
- Customer must contact our Customer Service Department within seven working days of receipt of the goods for replacement.
- The goods must be accompanied with our official invoice, original package, product barcode, accessories, manuals and warranty card without filled.
- All exchanged products will be inspected by our service center before replacement. Otherwise, we will not be able to identify and process the replacement procedure.
- The returned product must be intact, not involving human damage, not being repaired, free from scratches and water damage.
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- Any damages or defects caused by, including but not limited to external pressure, impact damage, dropped, misuse, humidity, water damage, other consequences of easy access, or missing parts.
- Any damages or defects that occur in/on outer surface of the product that result from normal wear and tear under ordinary use.
- Any damages or defects caused by human errors or unexpected factors including but not limited to handling, extrusion, bumps, scratches, impacts, exposure to high temperature, improper input voltage, corrosion, water, fire, accidents etc.
- Any damages or defects caused by any accident, act of natural, physical damage or malfunction, abuse, misuse, natural or personal disaster, or any unauthorized disassembly, repair or alteration and modification.
- In case of out of stock, refund will take 3-7 working days to process.
- Prices are subject to change without prior notice and all orders are subject to Company’s acceptance at its sole discretion and stock availability.
- If any dispute arises, Radar Audio Company determination shall be final.
- Where these terms and conditions are available in Chinese, the English version is the governing version and shall prevail whenever there is a discrepancy between the two versions.
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- Phone +852 2418 2668